An Amazing Autism Story

Hi. My name is John Smyth. I am 19 ½ years old and have autism. My autism is so severe that I often cannot talk. My mind tells me what to say, but my lips will say nothing or make sounds I do not intend. So I type with one finger to talk, with some support from my dad, aide at school, brother, or others in my life.

Some people say that my communications are not real. I just ask you to come to one of our monthly Saved By Typing meetings to see how real it is, meet new people whose voices have recently been discovered, or visit Evidence of Facilitated Communication.

My life and my story involves school systems. To avoid unnecessary negative politics, I do not use school names. Instead, my old school is "The Rich School"; "The Caring School" is where any school education has happened for me in the last two years. Here is my story.

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John’s Amazing Story

Click for "An Amazing Autism Story" by John Smyth (PDF opens in new window)For 16 ½ years, I had no way to communicate with my family, doctors, teachers or others. As I will explain, I believe the way was always there, but no one was educated or cared to try it. What is amazing about my story is not that I can now communicate with you and answer your questions afterward, but that I am the first person among all the dozens and possibly hundreds of nonverbal autistic persons ever to be in The Rich School District who can now do this. And I can do it because I go to The Caring High School.

Click here to download An Amazing Autism Story. (PDF opens in new window)
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