Chammi Rajapatirana

Chammi Rajapatirana
Typing for over a decade, Chammi Rajapatirana is currently living in Sri Lanka where he and his mom, the only FC trainers in the area, are helping others learn the method.
Chammi is also co-founder/co-president of the E.A.S.E. Foundation, which aims to help people with disabilities in leading productive, stimulating lives, particularly through effective communication. This work keeps him busy and happy, but in his spare time Chammi likes to add to his ever- expanding repertoire of published poems, essays and well-received conference presentations.
Chammi’s Thoughts About Facilitated Communication (1994)
Facilitated Communication, better known as FC, is giving most non-verbal people a chance to say what is on their minds. Year after year they waited for a gift of speech. Yet until Rosemary Crossley discovered FC, I and others like me kept begging God in vain. Hostile petty people will try to take our painfully gained freedom from us. Tear our hearts out if you must, do not take spiteful revenge on us by pretending concern for us while hypocritically muting us.