Posts by savedbytyping

Typer John Smyth has Essay Posted on Science Fiction Blog

Our own John Smyth had one of his essays, Are we fundamentally good or evil?, posted on Sci-Fi, a blog normally dedicated to all things science fiction. As blog editor D. Alexander said in his introduction, “There are times when we are sent something written by a fan of the site, or someone simply…

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Typer Sue Rubin on Independent Typing

From Presentation By Sue Rubin (California, August 1999) “I believe we cannot isolate physical independence from the other two elements of facilitated communication – communication and emotional support. Although I am called an independent typer because I no longer need physical touch, I cannot walk into a room, and type without a facilitator. The facilitator…

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Jamie Burke: Thoughts from His Journey to Independent Typing

Jamie Burke, Independent Typer

Hello folks, it’s certainly my joy to share with you these thoughts that have helped and supported me on this work of increasing the ability to engage a more dependable and independently accessed typed communication. These are still the dearly good steps that continue to be helpful in the typing of communication. Jamie Burke October…

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S.T.A.R. – Supported Typing & Autism Resources

Supported Typing is a strategy to help students with autism gain access to Assistive Technology (AT), communication, and academics. S.T.A.R. – Supported Typing & Autism Resources – which is based in Laguna Hills, California, provides AT services to clients who struggle with verbal communication. The professionals at S.T.A.R. teach adults and children with autism how…

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Skype Video Conferencing Technology Expands Autistic Typers’ World

On Friday afternoon, January 24, 2014, an extraordinary event occurred when a 21st Century technology helped expand the world a bit for four people affected by autism that struggle daily to communicate and find acceptance in the “normal” world. For the first time, nonverbal autistic typers Todd Washburne, age 47, Joe Kelly, almost 19, Josh…

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How to Join a Skype Video Conference Call

Skype, the popular internet-based company, helps to make the world a little bit smaller with their free (or, in some case, inexpensive) phone and video call service that gives people across the country and around the world the ability to communicate with each other easily and economically. Recently, Saved By Typing hosted a Skype Video…

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Music Therapy: Treatment for Autism and Neurological / Physical Disorders

Music Therapy (MT) has been proven as an effective treatment for a variety of neurological and physical disorders, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, asthma, and ASDs. One example of its effectiveness is former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, whose recovery treatment employed MT to help her regain her speech after surviving a bullet wound to her brain. The press…

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Neurologic Music Therapy Services of Arizona (NMTSA)

Neurologic Music Therapy Services of Arizona (NMTSA) is committed to changing the lives of individuals with disabilities through innovative and dynamic programs, education, and collaborations. Neurologic Music Therapy (NMT) is an advanced form of music therapy that uses research-based techniques to treat the brain using music and rhythm. NMT uses these techniques to achieve non-musical…

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