Institute on Communication and Inclusion at Syracuse University

Visit Institute on Communication and Inclusion
at Syracuse University Website
(website opens in new window)
The Institute on Communication and Inclusion (ICI) conducts research and promotes support for people with disabilities to communicate in schools and society.
Formerly, the Facilitated Communication Institute, the new name, the Institute on Communication and Inclusion, represents a broadened focus developed over the past 20 years, reflecting lines of research, training and public dissemination that focus on school and community inclusion, narratives of disability and ability, and disability rights.
ICI’s initiatives stress the important relationship of communication to inclusion.
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Save the Date for the 2014 Summer Institute in Syracuse
The ICI is pleased to announce that this year’s Summer Institute will be held on July 28-30, 2014 at the Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel & Conference Center. Check their website for details. (opens in new window)
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Web Conferences in Central Indiana

Academic Access for Students that Type to Communicate Web Conference
(website opens in new window)
Click here to view an archived web conference support session.
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ICI Training Videos
The Syracuse University School of Education’s Institute on Communication and Inclusion (ICI) offers several Facilitated Communications training videos.
- We Have a Lot to Offer: An Introduction to Facilitated Communication
- A Part of Our Life: Facilitated Communication With Pre-School Age Children
- Facilitated Communication in the School Years
- A New Beginning: Facilitated Communication For Adults
- Every Step of the Way: Toward Independent Communication
- Facilitated Communication for Family and Friends
Click here for information about ICI training videos.
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