Masgutova Training Coming to Central Indiana

Svetlana Masgutova, Ph.D., founder of the Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute (SMEI) and the Masgutova Method® (Click for more information in a new window.)
Our program will begin on April 28, 2016, with two days of 30-minute individual assessments by Dr. Masgutova, followed by two days of parent-caregiver training classes on April 30 and May 1. After completion of this program, advanced programs will be available through the Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute® that can focus more specifically on the needs of children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD.) We will provide more details about times, location, cost, etc., in the coming weeks. If you would like to receive more information about this special event as it becomes available, click here and complete the form.
Dr. Masgutova developed the Masgutova Method following her graduate and doctoral work in Russia where she had access to a broad cross section of pioneering Russian research, and after attending to the survivors of the Ufa train accident, where hundreds of people, many of them children, perished or were severely injured and traumatized.
Since 1989, when Dr. Masgutova began her work, a wide variety of people have benefited from her unique Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex IntegrationSM (MNRI) techniques. Based on the scientific underpinnings of many notable scientists, on her clinical research, and through practical application, Dr. Masgutova has advanced the MNRI® Method to address issues that commonly interfere with an individual’s ability to reach their potential.
The mission of the SMEI is to provide health, wellness and educational professionals, parents, and caregivers with non-invasive techniques to address maturational, developmental, and life challenges.
These issues primarily relate to:
- Automatic motor movement and motor pattern integration
- Motor scheme maturation (rolling over, sitting up, crawling, walking, etc.)
- Learned motor skill development, advanced motor, communication, and cognitive development
- Emotional and behavioral regulation.
To receive more information about this special event as it becomes available, click here and complete the form.
We also want to give a special shout-out to our own Melissa Troutman, who is now officially a Core Specialist in Training for Masgutova. Way to go, Melissa!
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MNRI Advanced Program: Children with Challenges
The children with challenges course focuses on individualizing programs for children who have highly significant developmental challenges. These individuals may display aggressive behavior, deep worry and fear, have autism, cerebral palsy, or delayed intellect or emotional development. These children have great needs and are often the most challenging to assess, understand, and support. This four-day course trains professionals, parents and caregivers how to adapt MNRI techniques despite the depth of challenge present. General MRNI Method theory is also emphasized during this class as the material covers a broad range of developmental deficiencies and associated reflex patterns.
More information: MNRI Advanced Program: Children with Challenges
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About Svetlana Masgutova, Ph.D.
Svetlana Masgutova received her Doctorate in Developmental and Educational Psychology in1988, and her Associate Professor (Post-Doctorate) degree in 1992, in Russia.She continued her professional career as a university lecturer and Dean of Practical Psychology department, and also as a researcher at the Russian Education Academy. Her doctoral paper and work based on works of L. Vygotsky, A.Luria, P. Anokhin, A. Uznadze, N. Bernstein, I. Bozovich, I. Dubrovina and N.Tolstyckh was the result of her earlier research on MA topic ‘Unconscious Processes, Unconditioned Reflexes and Human Attitudes’.
Dr. Masgutova has completed three years of medical studies (in paramedics),massage therapy school, and several programs on psychotherapy. She received a post-graduate degree in Clinical Neuro-Speech Development at the Medical Academy in Poland.
Dr. Masgutova is the creator of the MNRI® – Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration Program.
More information: About Svetlana Masgutova, Ph.D.
To receive more information about this special event as it becomes available, click here and complete the form.