Mayer Shevin, Facilitated Communication Master Trainer

Location: Syracuse, NY

Mayer Shevin received his Ph.D. in Psycholinguistics from the University of Rochester in 1976. In that setting, he worked with non-talking children and their families. He has worked as a psychologist at the Central Wisconsin Center; a faculty member in Special Education at Cleveland State University; and a teacher in the areas of non-punitive behavior management, advocacy, and communication development at the Grafton Developmental Center and elsewhere in North Dakota.

From 1989-1991, Mayer directed the “Home-made Futures Project, “developing person-centered planning resources in North Dakota and Minnesota. In 1990-1991, he founded and edited Talking/Politics, a newsletter focusing on the political implications of communication rights.

Since 1991, he has been part of Institute’s training, research and resource development, editing the institute’s newsletter, The Facilitated Communication Digest, for its 10 years of publication.

In addition to his work in the area of Facilitated Communication, Mayer is a consultant in private practice, working with individuals with disabilities and the people, communities and organizations in their lives.

  • He helps people who are establishing circles of support, and those organizations seeking to foster such circles.
  • He consults directly with individuals seeking to progress toward personal goals despite their challenging behaviors, with their families, and with the schools and agencies which support these individuals.
  • He facilitates planning and strategy sessions with disability-related agencies and organizations seeking to put their ideals into practice.

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