Register Now for MNRI Assessment Clinic and Masgutova Method Parent Workshop

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Thank you for your interest in our MNRI® Assessment Clinic and Masgutova Method® Parent Training Workshop, conducted by the Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute (SMEI.) Registration for both of these events is now open. Read on for instructions on the two-part registration process.
Step 1: Registration Instructions for the MNRI® Assessment Clinic
The Assessment Clinic is limited to a maximum of 20 participants, so we highly recommend that you register as soon as possible if you plan to attend.
Reservations will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. Once all spots are filled, additional requests will be placed on a waiting list in case of any cancellations.
All MNRI® Assessment Clinic reservations and 30 minute assessment appointments must be scheduled through Melissa Troutman, the Local Area Coordinator (LAC) for the event. To register, complete and submit the form below. You will need to select your top three choices for your appointment time. Assessment appointments are available on Thursday, April 28 and Friday, April 29. We will try to accommodate everyone’s first choice to the best of our abilities.
The cost of the MNRI® Assessment Clinic is:
- 18 years and under: $650
- 19 years and older: $750
You will be billed directly by SMEI® via email after your appointment is set. Payment will be through Paypal.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact LAC Melissa Troutman at 765-425-8062, or by email,
Step 2: Registration Instructions for the MNRI® Parent Workshop
Registration for the Parent Workshop is separate from the Assessment Clinic. Registration for the MNRI® Parent Workshop is completed online directly through SMEI.
NOTE: The two-day Parent Training Workshop is for caregivers/parents only. All participants must register to attend.
The cost for the two-day MNRI® Parent Workshop on April 30 and May 1 is:
- $460.00 for First Time Attendees, or
- $296.00 for Repeat Attendees
The MNRI® Parents Workshop will teach participants simple reflex patterns for hand/arm; foot/leg; core or gross motor coordination; trauma, protection, and survival; emotional stability, fear, and depression; oral-facial and visual-auditory; and reflex patterns for cognitive activity.
Included with the course is the Parents’ Guide to MNRI® It is illustrated with MNRI® reflex patterns techniques. It is 60 pages of full-color illustrations and describes techniques of over 27 different reflexes along with descriptions of how the development of each reflex effects us and the implications for a poorly functioning or pathological response.
This Parents’ Workshop is intended to use for support with ongoing treatment with a MNRI® Specialist, after attending an intensive MNRI® conference, or simply for a continued home treatment plan.
MNRI Assessment Clinic Registration Form
Please complete and submit this form to register for the MNRI Assessment Clinic
and request an appointment.