Posts by savedbytyping
ICI Autism Summer Institute: Training and Information for FC Typers, Parents, Trainers and Educators
The Syracuse University School of Education’s Institute on Communication and Inclusion (ICI) is a leader in the field of research and training on facilitated communication (FC). Its initiatives stress the important relationship of communication to inclusion. Each year, the ICI sponsors the Autism Summer Institute, an educational and engaging journey, with workshops, presentations, panels for…
Read MoreFoundations for Success with Supported Typing, March 15, 2014
Purpose of Program: To properly train and prepare parents and professionals to discover the potential for typing in non-verbal autistic individuals, so when the potential for Facilitated Communications (FC) exists you are able to discover it. This training program is intended for: Parents and non-verbal autistic children who might be trying typing for the first…
Read MoreNon-Verbal Boy Gets a Big Birthday Surprise After Mom Turns to Facebook for Help
In these days of instant communication, extended groups of friends, social media stars, likes, shares, trends, etc., you never know what’s going to touch the heart of the public. Sometimes it’s a 14 year old kid who posts a song he recorded in his bedroom on YouTube and ends up becoming an international superstar. Sometimes…
Read MoreCongressman Responds to Disabled Woman’s Fight to Pass Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act
We recently told you about Sara Wolff, a remarkable young woman with Down syndrome whose future is in jeopardy due to archaic Federal laws that limit a disabled person’s earnings, and her fight to get the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act (S. 313/H.R. 647) passed through Congress and into law. The ABLE Act…
Read MoreUpdate: High Schooler With Down Syndrome Hits Four 3-Pointers
We recently posted a video about Kevin Grow, the 18-year-old with down syndrome who shot 14 points in the last two minutes of his high school’s senior night basketball game and led his team to victory. This extraordinary event was followed by having his accomplishment featured on ESPN’s SportsCenter. Well, the story didn’t end there,…
Read MoreColts’ Joe Reitz to Attend Next Celebration on April 19
Joe Rietz, a player for the Indianapolis Colts since 2011, is scheduled to attend Saved By Typing’s next monthly Celebration of Communication, on Saturday, April 19 at 4:00 PM. We are very excited and appreciative that Joe will take time out of his busy schedule to support our group, but that is par for the…
Read MoreH-O-P-E! It is PRICELESS!! – An Autistic Typer’s Parent’s Story
“my mom tells me she knows i am smart” These are the first words my non-verbal almost 13 year old son diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) typed with his Music Therapist, who happens to be getting trained in “Supported Typing [Facilitated Communication]“! That was on October 25, 2013 and our life has completely changed…
Read MoreICI “Focus on Practice” Series Returns February 24
The Institute for Communication and Inclusion (ICI) at Syracuse University is pleased to announce the return of their monthly “Focus on Practice” sessions designed to provide technical and social support to the growing number of facilitators working with supported typers. Using a format of reflective discussion and video examples, these topic-based conversations will help you…
Read MoreVideo: Laura Poorman on Facilitated Communication and Supported Typing: Answers to Key Questions
Facilitated Communication Trainer Laura Poorman discusses facilitated communication and supported typing with John Smyth. [dt_divider style=”thick” /] Answers to Key Questions About Supported Typing (Feb. 25, 2012) Read the transcript of this conversation below the video. [dt_divider style=”thick” /] Transcript: Laura Poorman Answers John Smyth’s Questions John: The understanding I have…
Read MoreSupport the Fight for Disabled to Achieve a Better Life Experience
Sara Wolff is a remarkable woman whose future is in jeopardy due to archaic Federal laws that limit a disabled person’s earnings by jeopardizing their Medicaid and Social Security support. The 31 year-old from Moscow, Pennsylvania, whose mom died unexpectedly last year, works two jobs, is a board member of the National Down Syndrome Society…
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