The Autism National Committee – Dedicated to Social Justice for All Citizens with Autism

AutCom – The Autistic National Committee (opens in new window)
AutCom, the Autism National Committee, is the only autism advocacy organization dedicated to “Social Justice for All Citizens with Autism” through a shared vision and a commitment to positive approaches. AutCom was founded in 1990 to protect and advance the human rights and civil rights of all persons with autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, and related differences of communication and behavior.
AutCom raises awareness of, and fights against, the practices of segregation, medicalization, and aversive conditioning of autistic children and adults. The Committee further believes that the principles of social justice can only be upheld through organizational methods which reflect the principles equal rights under the law.
AutCom is a strong advocate for Facilitated Communication, as stated in their position paper, Autism National Committee AutCom Policies and Principles Regarding Facilitated Communication. (PDF opens in new window; Adobe Reader required (click for free download)
[blockquote cite=”Autism National Committee Policy and Principles Regarding Facilitated Communication”]”It is the policy of the Autism National Committee that everyone has something to say and the right to say it. Facilitated Communication is one accepted and valid way in which individuals with autism can exercise their right to say what they have to say.”[/blockquote]
AutCom welcomes the participation of all family members, people with autism / PDD, caring professionals, and other friends who wish to implement, not debate, the right to self-determination by hearing and heeding the voices of people with autism.
AutCom members and organizational partners have joined together to provide information, support, networking, advocacy, a strong voice in federal legislation and policy, conferences and trainings, and an ongoing reappraisal of fundamental research and treatment issues in the light of what people with autism themselves find meaningful and respectful.
Their web site,, provides updates on politics and judicial decisions; commentary by people with autism; information about developmental and relationship-based approaches to early intervention and education; coverage of issues affecting community living, home-owning, and consumer choice; and advocacy for access to augmentative, assistive, and facilitated communication.