
Skype Video Conferencing Technology Expands Autistic Typers’ World

On Friday afternoon, January 24, 2014, an extraordinary event occurred when a 21st Century technology helped expand the world a bit for four people affected by autism that struggle daily to communicate and find acceptance in the “normal” world. For the first time, nonverbal autistic typers Todd Washburne, age 47, Joe Kelly, almost 19, Josh…

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How to Join a Skype Video Conference Call

Skype, the popular internet-based company, helps to make the world a little bit smaller with their free (or, in some case, inexpensive) phone and video call service that gives people across the country and around the world the ability to communicate with each other easily and economically. Recently, Saved By Typing hosted a Skype Video…

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The Path to Independence: Step 1 – Facilitator Training

"(Facilitated Communication is) …strongest therapy for people with no means of expression is sensational, controversial, revolutionary, technically subtle FC. It involves understanding movement lapses of people and providing physical support to help overcome them. Plastic nature of users of FC requires topnotch weaning of support towards ultimate goal of independence." Larry Bissonnette, Independent Typer Facilitated…

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