Independent Typer/Social Talker Jamie Burke Coming to Central Indiana on 3/12

(Includes Updated Schedule Information)
We are pleased to announce that Jamie Burke, a Motivational Speaker, Social Advocate, and autistic independent typer, will be making a visit to the Indianapolis area, with presentations on Saturday March 12th and Sunday March 13th.
Long-time members of Saved By Typing may recognize Jamie’s name, and some of you may have already met him at one of his presentations at Syracuse University (SU) School of Education’s Institute on Communication & Inclusion or conferences throughout the US.
A fascinating young man who always has something interesting to say, we look forward to Jamie’s rare visit to the Indianapolis area and his insights on the struggles nonverbals face in today’s society. Click here to scroll down to the Event Details.
Jamie Burke: Independent Typer, Motivational Speaker, Social Advocate
Jamie Burke is 28 years old and a recent graduate of Syracuse University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the College of Arts and Science. Jamie has used Facilitated Communication (FC,) also known as Supported Typing, since age five, and has progressed from supported typing, to independent typing and typing with two hands. He has been included in regular classrooms alongside his peers from preschool on.
As a child, Jamie did not speak at all. His parents feared that he would never talk, until he said his first words at the age of 12. Since then, Jamie has successfully honed his skills by first learning how to use facilitated communication to type his words. Eventually, he started reading his typed words aloud.
By the time he was 19, Jamie was able speak short thoughts extemporaneously; for long sentences, he still needed to type on a small keyboard or laptop, then speak the words out loud. Since then, Jamie has continued to develop his ability to speak his words and work towards even more independence in his typing.
Not only does Jamie freely speak about his time as a nonverbal typer, he has become a respected Motivational Speaker and an outspoken Social Advocate for the rights of the disabled. He has addressed international conferences, therapy training sessions, and numerous seminars across the United States and Europe. For an example of what Jamie has to say, read his panel presentation from the 2009 Disability Studies in Education Conference at the Syracuse University College of Law, which was hosted by the School of Education’s Institute on Communication and Inclusion. (PDF opens in new window)
Jamie is an active member of the FC community and frequently shares his journey through his writing and presentations. His goal is to teach those he encounters not only about FC, but about respect and true communication on the large scale. He firmly believes that, “having to take time to listen to someone with communication differences may teach the journey of patient worth and joy of connection that is as good as gold.”
“First, only those who cannot speak, but know that their brains envision true thoughts, can truly understand the fear of not being able to demonstrate this to others who may question their intelligence. This is paramount when looking to assist in typed communication – that you try to understand the processes that this will require.”
Jamie Burke
In 2002, Syracuse University produced a video written and narrated by Jamie, titled Inside the Edge, A Journey to Using Speech through Typing, which won the TASH Image Award in 2002. The full-length DVD of Inside the Edge can be ordered through the Syracuse University School of Education website. (opens in new window)
Jamie Burke Weekend Event Details
Saturday, March 12, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM New Time: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Sunday, March 13, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
While a large portion of the cost for this event is subsidized by a grant from Answers for Autism and the Jake Willmann Memorial Fund, a minimal entry fee is required to cover additional expenses. The Willmann family has chosen Answers for Autism as the recipient of donations made in Jake’s memory to help honor Jake while making a difference in the Autism community.
The cost of registration for the two-day event is only:
- FAMILY: $25.00, including typers, parents and siblings (no limit) OR
- INDIVIDUAL: $10.00, including teachers and other professionals
FC Trainers and supported typing coaches are also invited to attend. Please send us an email with your professional information for complimentary registration to this event.
Attendees will be on their own for lunch (one hour) on Saturday. A list of nearby restaurants will be available.
We will not take a long lunch break on Sunday due to the shorter session length. Instead, an optional box lunch will be available for $12.00 each. Vegetarian and gluten-sensitive options will also be available. Attendees will be able to pre-order and pay for their box lunches (cash or check only, please) on Saturday.
SePro Building
11550 N. Meridian St.
Carmel, IN 46032
1st floor large conference room
Get Directions
For our out-of-town visitors, we have arranged for discounted room rates at the nearby Hilton Garden Inn Indianapolis/Carmel, 13090 Pennsylvania Street. These discounted rates will only be available until February 19th, so even though registration is not available yet, if you plan to attend and will need a hotel room we recommend that you call the hotel, 317-581-9400, to make your reservation before then. You will be able to cancel your reservation if for any reason your plans change.
While we’re sure the weekend will be an interesting and enlightening event that everyone will enjoy, the agenda and schedule has yet to be finalized. You can check back here for the agenda when it is available, or submit the pop-up form to receive the information via email.
We look forward to seeing you at this special event. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, send us an email at
Saved by Typing is a project of United Charitable, a registered 501(c)(3) public charity. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.