Not All Autistics are Nonverbal, Nor All Nonverbals Autistic
As many people today understand that autism is not one thing, it can present itself in a variety of manners, with differing levels of severity, and presenting a variety of symptoms. This is why the affliction has, in the last decade or so, has been referred to by the all-encompassing term “Autistic Spectrum Disorders,” or ASDs, which now affects one of every 68 children in the country, and rising. Some blame the increase on environmental contaminants, others blame childhood vaccinations, while many think the increasing numbers are due simply to better medical detection and increased awareness of the disorders.
People diagnosed as “being on the Spectrum” can have relatively mild symptoms be high functioning, intelligent individuals that present unusual, often obsessive, behaviors, and/or limited social interaction, generally referred to as Aspergers Syndrome. Others can display negative reactions to physical contact or loud noises. On the most severe end of the Spectrum, children that seemed to be developing normally suddenly lose their ability to talk or communicate, and, to one degree or another, the ability to control their body movements, some so severely that they end up wheelchair-bound. These nonverbal autistic individuals become trapped in a body they can no longer control, a physical prison with, seemingly, no possible escape. Some, however, have found a path out of isolation through a variety of therapies and the use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) supports, and devices like the iPad and computer keyboards.
You don’t have to be autistic to be nonverbal

Martin Pistorius, author of the New York Times best-seller Ghost Boy: The Miraculous Escape of a Misdiagnosed Boy Trapped Inside His Own Body.
Martin grew up in South Africa, a normal, happy child until, at the age of 12, he began losing voluntary motor control and fell into a coma for three years. When he regained consciousness at 16, he was completely paralyzed and unable to speak. Eventually, his caregiver, Virna van der Walt, noticed that he could use his eyes to respond to things she said. She sent him to the University of Pretoria for testing, where they confirmed he was conscious and aware of his surroundings. Upon learning of these findings, his parents got him a speech computer, and he began slowly regaining some upper body functions and the ability to communicate with the outside world.
Today, while still unable to speak and confined to a wheelchair, Martin is married, works as a freelance web designer/developer, and is the author of the 2011 New York Times best-selling book Ghost Boy: The Miraculous Escape of a Misdiagnosed Boy Trapped Inside His Own Body., in which he describes living with locked-in syndrome.
Recently, as he sat in his wheelchair, alone on stage, Martin presented a TEDx talk about his experiences, using his MacBook and voice synthesizer technology to address the crowd. His story is one marked by abuse, neglect, love and despair. An expert on what people do when they think no one is looking, Martin has become well versed on human nature and self-determination.
Watch the Video: Martin Pistorius | My Way Back to Words | TEDxKC
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