Posts by savedbytyping

Supported Typing and Music Therapy: Working Hand-in-Hand to Improve Non-Verbal Communication Skills

In this video, Lori Higgins discusses how she and her 18-year-old autistic daughter recently discovered supported typing through their music therapist; Certified Neurologic Music Therapist Eric Lund of Integrative Music Therapy, LLC discusses the relationship between supported typing and music therapy.     [dt_divider style=”thick” /]   Watch: Supported Typing and Music Therapy: Working Hand-in-Hand…

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Eric Lund, Certified Neurologic Music Therapist

Eric Lund is a graduate of the University of Evansville. He completed his internship in his home state of Minnesota but returned to the Evansville area with his new bride, Kristen. Eric is a talented guitarist who also performs and teaches locally. Eric joined Integrative Music Therapy, LLC in August, 2008. In October 2011, Eric…

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More Members of Congress Co-Sponsor and Support the ABLE Act

In our last update about the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act (S. 313), we reported that Senator Mitch McConnell joined the growing list of cosponsors on March 14, 2014. Since then, one new senator and 19 House members have joined the fight. Two of them, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Representative Paul Ryan…

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The Lost Gift, A Poem By John Smyth

The Lost Gift By John Smyth Wanting personal communication was lost in isolation and will wait with suffering. Each sadly wailing parent only appreciates in silos of grief longing for the child in another silo longing for them, separated waste assumes as human thinking shapes all silos. Your child waits in the same wanting waiting…

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Facilitated Communication Typers Receive HS Academic Letter

John Smyth Earns Academic Letter from Brownsburg High School

John Smyth, the son of SBT’s Program Director Jim, recently received an Academic Letter from his high school in Brownsburg, IN. Letters were given to all students who earned a 3.8 average or higher for the first three grading periods of the school year. John, a non-verbal autistic, began typing in December of 2010, at…

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2014 ICI Autism Summer Institute Registration Now Open

Monday, July 28 – Wednesday, July 30Sheraton Hotel & Conference CenterSyracuse, NY The Institute on Communication and Inclusion helps give a voice and a means to communicate to people with disabilities, by conducting research and promoting support in schools and society.  The ICI Summer Institute is an opportunity to meet, type, talk, discuss, laugh, and…

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A Thank You Letter To Joe Reitz From His Fans At Saved By Typing

On Saturday April 19, typers, their family, and other attendees showed up at Saved By Typing’s monthly Celebration of Communication in Colts blue to honor the event’s special guest, Joe Reitz, #76, offensive lineman for the Indianapolis Colts. Joe was an immediate hit with the often shy typers, many of them diehard Colts fans who…

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Facilitated Communication Training Conference, Day Two

After a great first day of Saved By Typing’s Facilitated Communication Master Trainer Training Conference on Saturday, everyone was eager to get back to it for the second session on Sunday, where typers and facilitators could start to practice the principles they learned from Marilyn Chadwick, Harvey Lavoy and Tracy Thresher. After breaking up into…

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